Discover the Winback multifrequency
TECAR, Hi-TENS, Hi-EMS currents in one device to amplify your therapeutic results.

Multifrequency: an all-in-one patented innovation for greater efficiency
Act on all types of tissues and opt for a wider field of action by combining all the currents of electrotherapy: high, medium and low frequency.

The TECAR Winback current is a dynamic high frequency current ranging from 300 kHz to 1 MHz.
According to Dr. D'Arsonval's principle, the TECAR current causes a flow of ions through rapid electrical oscillations in the cellular environment. This induces an increase in intra- and extracellular exchanges and a diathermic effect on living tissue.
The effects of the TECAR current:
Metabolic action
Pain relief
Restore mobility

Hi-EMS creates a modulated medium-frequency current (1500-4000 Hz) that stimulates superficial or deep muscles. Unlike traditional electrostimulation, the Hi-EMS current provides a virtually painless contraction.
The effects of the Hi-EMS current:
Deep and superficial muscle recruitment for mobilization

The Hi-TENS current greatly improves the effectiveness of the classic low frequency TENS current (2 Hz, 5 Hz, 25Hz) by combining the diathermic effects of the high frequency TECAR.
The effects of Hi-TENS current:
Long-term relief of chronic pain
Immediate pain relief for acute pain

Multifrequency in action
Less pain, less tension, more movement.
Stimulation of metabolic action and restoration of the healing process.