Treating dorsalgia with Winback Tecartherapy

Treating dorsalgia with Winback Tecartherapy

Dorsalgia, a targeted pain:

Similarly to cervicalgia or lumbago, dorsalgia includes a set of pains located at the level of the dorsal spine. Its 12 vertebrae constitute the middle part of the spine.

There are two particular features of this dorsal region. Indeed, the form follows an opposite course to that of the cervical and lumbar: it is what we call the dorsal kyphosis. Furthermore, the ribs join the vertebrae on both sides to form the rib cage. This whole bone structure is de facto neither truly mobile nor particularly stable. The constraints on its regions are therefore particularly damaging. For example, compression of the rib cage causes obvious breathing difficulties.

A brief reminder of the different types of pain:

A wide majority of these pains are in the soft tissues: mainly ligaments and muscles. An inadequate posture is a detonating factor in these events. The imbalances of the body blocks (cervical, dorsal and lumbar) are interconnected by the muscle chains. Any imbalance of one block will modify the other and it will alter the correct spinal and also respiratory joint mechanics.

Mechanical pain: Triggered by movements, it intensifies during the day and rest generally relieves it. This is particularly the case with osteoarthritis.

Postural pain: It results from bad habits or inappropriate postures during the day.

Traumatic pain: Occurs as a result of incidents such as a car accident (similar to neck pain, falls or other trauma.

Neurological pain: It is more severe at the beginning and end of the day, and is often accompanied by stiffness. Rest in no way diminishes its effects; it is during the day when the activity begins that the stiffness diminishes.

The dorsal region: a zone that we can divide into three parts

The upper part of the dorsal region is linked to the cervical muscles by cervical lordosis. This is why lesions on these can cause or exacerbate dorsalgia. Similarly, poor posture of the head can weigh on the spine and be an aggravating factor.

Between the shoulder blades is the middle zone. The main pathologies that affect it come from joint dysfunctions between the head, ribs and vertebral trunk. In the case of costovertebral dysfunction, we speak of intercostalgia for example.

The lower zone joins the lumbar muscles in the lumbar lordosis. As with the upper part, these are often the cause of dorsalgia.


Dorsalgia’s origins

The proportion of people suffering from dorsalgia is lower than in the case of cervicalgia or lumbago (13.6% against 20.6 and 36.4%). Another crucial fact: women are twice more concerned as men. Explaining this difference may include the menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy.

Often taking the form of a chronic pathology that develops and sets in gradually, dorsalgia usually appears following regular bad postures. Pain is often diffuse, but can be targeted and interfere with the person’s breathing.

Dorsalgia is often related to the person’s lifestyle. The sedentary lifestyle and especially office work are revealing examples where the subject adopts a heavy posture for the whole structure of the body. Same process in cases of overweight, lack of activity or pregnancy: overwhelmed by weight, the whole back is stressed and the balance is disturbed.

Stress is also an aggravating factor since the back is very sensitive to muscle tension. When the supporting tissues are overused and stretched, the movement of the vertebrae is restricted. The inflammation eventually affects the tissues of the nervous system, and they become hyperactive. It is then that the latter dysfunctions and the nervous messages suffer from interferences. The pain that the nerve records frequently comes from a muscle spasm caused by the mechanical alteration of the vertebral joints. Sometimes the stomach starts to produce excessive amount of acid, leading to heartburn. If this becomes chronic, then there is a risk of ulcer. But these nerve abnormalities can also affect other organs such as the heart or lungs.

The problem with visceral disorders that are diagnosed is that they can induce projected pain in the patient. His organs won’t suffer directly; he’ll locate the pain in his back and be able to get him

One of the main degenerative causes is osteoarthritis or discarthrosis, a chronic disease very common in old age. The discarthrosis will gradually damage the intervertebral disc to the point of making it almost disappear. The purpose of the latter is to absorb the shocks caused by movement and to build a bridge between two bone pieces. It is therefore crucial in joint mobility. This is why its deterioration causes pain and hinders daily movements.

Treating dorsalgia with Winback TECAR therapy:

Physiotherapy, whether performed by a physiotherapist or an osteopath, is an obvious short-term benefit since it will affect the flexibility of the rib cage via the fascia and ligaments, both very nervous. The healthcare professional will also be able to manipulate the mobile back segments. Through its immediate and durable analgesia, Winback will facilitate the professional’s actions by allowing him to accomplish what is necessary without any discomfort for the patient.

With a 6 times faster revascularization, Winback is an undeniable asset and with our equipment, you have access to a rehabilitation which is twice as fast.

If we want to solve a chronic problem in the long term, we must compensate for postural disorders, certainly, but also and above all treat the problem at its source, in depth. That’s why we developed Winback 6.0: Deep Fractal. The fractional energy transmitted by RET+ electrodes provides an effective solution to pathologies similar to dorsalgia.

Special case: the flat back

In the case of a flat back, the problem comes up reverse. The internal tensions that pull the dorsal vertebrae forward must be treated as a priority. Thus its natural kyphosis can be given, by rebalancing the back structures.

Making the client invested is also a prerequisite. Muscular insufficiency is often a factor in dorsalgia, and it is therefore advisable to strengthen the posterior muscles and stretch the forelegs. Only in this way can the patient hope to regain optimal back mobility. This is why it is advisable not to be completely immobile. On the contrary, it could aggravate the patient’s condition, since it does not maintain muscle integrity.

Winback‘s weight training tips: the pull-over

A very interesting exercise to carry out if you suffer from dorsal pains, it builds up the posterior muscles of the back and the pectoral ones. It also has the advantage of opening the rib cage when it moves extensively.

Lying on a bench, take a weight and stretch your arms backwards, before bringing them forward over your pecs. Keep the abdominals contracted through the whole movement to keep the back straight, which would lead to tension of it.

A harmonious musculature is a guarantee of steadiness and balance in your body and minimizes the chances of mechanical problems. Never hesitate to do physical activity, even with age. It is certainly necessary to adapt the movements, but not to abandon them.

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