How to Treat Tendinopathy Using Multifrequency: Complete Guide
Treating tendinitis or tendinopathy with Winback tecartherapy
What is tendinitis?
The overuse of the term tendinitis, which originally means a form of tendinopathy, has led to qualify a painful ailment of the tendon in everyday language.
As a matter of fact, there are 3 types of tendinopathies :
Tendinitis : an inflammation, an enthesopathy
Tendinosis : a chronical non-inflammatory state of degeneration
paratenonitis or tenosynovitis : an inflammation of the synovial sheath surrounding the tendon, the hypervascularization of the sheath surrounding the tendon and fibrous exsudate.
The tennis Elbow example
The tendinopathy of the upper limb, due to the inflammation of the arm’s tendons, is one of the most frequently presenting forms and can reach the tendons of the biceps brachii muscle (the most common form), the coracobrachial, brachial or triceps brachial muscles. The most common form of tendinopathy affects the biceps brachii muscle, situated on the front facing side of the arm. The pains that felt are then located on the upper part of the arm, close to the shoulder. Tennis elbow, it is an acute or chronic inflammation of the elbow, a frequent complaint with tennis players.
The symptoms usually present in th following ways :
sharp pains caused by specific movements
the skin of the inflamed area is hot, swollen and reddish
the tendon area is painful when palpated